Explore how you would create a PLN prior to building a podcast on a topic of your choice. Please include an exploration of how would you emulate success stories in this space (podcasts that you’ve listened to or seen become… Continue Reading →
How diverse is your existing PLN? My PLN right now is very diverse in many ways: People of many different ages, races, and backgrounds are all contributing to the discussion, allowing for different points of view from many different cultures… Continue Reading →
I decided to base the size of my VR map topics based on my usage, for example Snapchat and Instagram are used very often (multiple times per day), while I very rarely use twitter. LinkedIn is judged more by its… Continue Reading →
What is Digital Identity? To describe a digital identity is to describe one’s passions, feelings, and characteristics within a digital world. This is akin to an online personality of sorts. Like a real identity though, your digital identity is shaped… Continue Reading →
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